Litigation PR
Litigation is the pursuit of practical ends, not a game of chess.
Felix Frankfurter
Litigation can be complex, unfavourable and, if dealt with incorrectly, costly and detrimental. Should you find yourself in the midst of a legal battle or needing to commence judicial proceedings then we heartily encourage you to entrust our Litigation PR team with handling the matter.
Litigation PR is not always about profile raising but is a pool of carefully monitored and scheduled actions. Azara Media can advise you on matters pertaining to the following:
- How and when to communicate within the judicial process
- How to manage reputation pre- and post-judgement
- How to deliver any relevant information and details as well as the effective strategies behind the unspoken word
Our unrivalled expertise within the field of Litigation PR, extensive knowledge of the complexities of the court systems and exemplary communications strategies help amplify the likelihood of reaching an optimistic result.
Promoting Judgments and Group Actions
Ethically influencing opinion and attitudes towards the outcome of litigation is an area that our legal team excel in. Receiving a judgement can be deleterious to any reputation, but when handled professionally and appropriately damage can be mitigated and public opinion can be infused with a more favourable view. Oftentimes this can also be done without specifying a particular case or situation and therefore maintaining a low-key and discreet disposition for the client.
The recurrence of multi-party proceedings is becoming more frequent within the UK judicial system and these collective actions are a practise that Azara Media are firmly rooted in.
Aside from being fully incumbent in the workings of the legal system, we are proficient in utilising our Public Relations prowess to promote cases, foster interest and embolden corresponding complainants to come to the fore.
Our more eminent involvements have been with cases against VW, HBOS, RBS and LIBOR to name a small cross-section of class actions. However, despite dealing with a number of sizable cases, Azara Media pride ourselves in our ability to streamline our missives, keeping direct focus on any end goal or key recipients.
In addition to the above, we often collaborate our skills with litigation funders and lawsuit experts to offer consummate advice on the communications aspect of any localised or global legal action and this includes mediation hearings and industrial disputes.
Reputation management, within any legal proceedings is essential, both during and following the case. Injudicious competitive PR crusades have seen us more frequently needing to invalidate slanted or manipulated evidence deliberately disclosed to waver opinion or effect outcome.
At Azara Media we firmly believe in a constructive and affirmative approach to reputation management and use this principle to support our client’s and their cases. Ethically and legally utilising our extensive array of communication expertise (including specialist content writers, certified consultants and media associates) resulting in a long and illustrious history of successful results.
If you find yourself in need of making an appeal against a trial outcome or judgement – Azara Media can also provide you with our well-honed skills at paving the way to promoting, managing, campaigning and sourcing endorsements on all aspects of your application.
Private Investigations
On occasion, public relations is a two-fold approach. On one side we seek to bolster the reputation of our client or case, and conversely, we need to add clout to our situation by unveiling or unearthing verifiable details pertaining to the adversary.
This does sometimes involve the appointment of a Private Investigator, Investigative Journalists, Forensic Accountants and additional experts from our panel to form an arsenal of ammunition to bolster our PR campaign.