
Ludwig Wittgenstein
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

“Arabic is our passion and Arabization is our profession. We help you showcase your service, program, product, software, curriculum, or technology to more than 388 million native Arabic speakers. We don’t just translate words; we localize your ideas”.

When Azara Media first started out in 1998; its main focus was on providing Arabic localisation and translation services. As it grew and bloomed in that area, it was a natural progression that its services also expand and grow according to market needs. This meant more Arabic content-related services as the market became more mature.

Azara Media has a broad spectrum of services:

  • Arabic Localization & Translation
  • Content Development & Management
  • Transcreation
  • Engineering
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Website Translation
  • Audio and Video Translation
  • Machine Translation Pre/Post-Editing
  • Training